Beachside Fellowship News
September 27, 2018
This Week at Beachside!



Dear Beachside Family and Friends,
Since the 1960s, I have listened to progressives in government and education say that we must evolve as a society. Their definition of progress is one in which our culture moves away from absolute truth, and embraces individual truth. This individual truth holds that each person can decide for themselves what is true and right. Evidence of truth is not required, and what each person perceives becomes their own truth and reality.
If this existence was actually limited to the individual, then perhaps it would not cause challenges in culture. Unfortunately, men and women left to their own devices cannot keep their perverse convictions to themselves. They find no rest unless they dominate others, forcing them to believe and think exactly as they do. They lie, obfuscate, and even resort to violence in order to enforce their will. Evidence and the truth no longer matter, only enforcing their perceptions and the alternative reality they create for themselves. Such is the state of American culture today.
God, and Christianity, are the enemy of liberal progressives. They hate the Bible, and anyone who lives by its' precepts. They declare the truth of the Word to be bondage, yet do not recognize they are in slavery to their own false assumptions. David understood this well when he wrote "The kings of the earth prepare for battle; the rulers plot together against the Lord and against his anointed one. "Let us break their chains,” they cry, "and free ourselves from slavery to God.” (Psa 2:2-3) In rebelling against God, they turn from the Only One Who can make them truly free.
Christianity and the Bible are under assault in our nation. Educators, government officials, and other liberal progressives know they cannot enforce their agenda while a committed group of believers resists them. Do not be deceived: these individuals are not the tolerant benefactors they claim to be. They want to take us out, and they will use any means at their disposal, including intimidation and violence to do so.
The treatment by liberal progressives and the mainstream media of Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a case in point. The lies and smears so easily spoken and spread by those with a liberal progressive antichrist agenda do not disturb their consciences at all. No attack is too vile, no words too disgusting and demeaning for their regular and continued use. The in your face verbal assault of Senator Ted Cruz and his family as they attempted to have a quiet dinner at a restaurant in the Washington DC area is yet another example of the demonic desperation of those who refuse to be tolerant of views different than their own. These behaviors are absolutely despicable and can only come from truly evil hearts and minds.
Committed Christians realize that flesh and blood are not the real enemy. Satan, ever the antagonist of the church, is the one behind it all. Liberal progressives have something in common with him. He lives in a fantasy reality of his own making in which he can defeat God, and they think they can defeat the church. Both Satan and his accomplices deceive themselves, for Jesus said that He would build the church, and that "all the powers of hell will not conquer it" (Matt.16:18)
The freedom that liberal progressives seek can never be found in their own better ideas, but only in the One who has power to make us better. That person is Jesus! He tells us in John 8:34-36 "I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave of sin. A slave is not a permanent member of the family, but a son is part of the family forever. So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.' It is time for us to return as a nation and a society to THE TRUTH. Jesus alone has the power to save and bring justice and peace to those who seek them. We must be the ones who will stand and decree that this nation belongs to us and not satan. It seems he screams the loudest when he sees yet another loss on the way. Let’s pray, use our faith, and help both the devil and his agents enjoy complete and utter defeat!
Pastor Ramon



Join us at Beachside Fellowship this Sunday at 10:00 am for more exciting news from the Word of God. If you do not live in the Panama City Beach area or are otherwise unable to attend, watch our live stream on the Beachside Fellowship Facebook page or on the web at







Giving Made Simple

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Occasionally we have people who wish to give to this ministry who are not able to attend our services.  To make it easier for people to do so we now can accept tithes and offerings via your debit card.  Simply click the link at the bottom of this message and you will be taken to a safe and secure Paypal link that will assist you.  Thank you and GOD BLESS YOU for your generous support!
Friday September 28th @7:00pm
nightofprayerworship 2



Our live webcast is now available on the Beachside Fellowship Facebook page and at  You can either watch live (if you are not able to be in service with us) or watch the latest episode when we are not streaming live.  Click on the picture and it will take you right to the page on our website.
Church Calendar
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Join us every Sunday morning at 9:30 AM for...
CorporatePrayer 2
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Beachside Children's Church
“Ordinary kids doing Extraordinary things!"
Sundays 10:30 AM
Wednesdays - 6:30 PM
Youthcc 4
College & Career
Wednesdays 6:30 PM
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Women of the Word
Tuesday  Oct. 9th
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Prayer and Worship Service
Sept. 28th 7:00pm


Beachside Fellowship is a family of believers who embrace the Love of God and the Good News that we can live happy and fulfilled lives through a connection with Him. Growing together in our understanding of God, we teach what the Bible says about life, and are committed to a personal relationship with the Living Word, Jesus Christ. 
Our church is made up of people from many different denominational backgrounds, and we welcome all who have a desire to learn more about God and His Word. Beachside Fellowships' contemporary "come as you are" services are filled with the warmth of the Spirit, exciting worship music,  and the life changing Power of God. You CAN have the life you always wanted: join us at Beachside Fellowship, where'It's All About the Word!"


Tel: 850-960-6026